Unhappiness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unhappiness
As noun : अंदोह Ex:  Worries over money also contributed to his unhappiness
अनुशोचना Ex:  This period of unhappiness proved nevertheless to be a fertile one अमानस्य Ex:  avoid unhappiness आजुर्दगी Ex:  Having unhappiness, although unhappiness आदीनव Ex:  He supported his disgrace, his unhappiness with admirable stoicism उपतप्ता Ex:  He thought cause great unhappiness कफा Ex:  I came home twice without finding you, I played unhappiness कोफर Ex:  It also tells of the pagan deity that was supposed to distribute, at its option, the happiness and unhappiness खेद Ex:  It says things and above all means About Ad or causing unhappiness उ:   उस उपकोसल ने मानसिक खेद से अनशन करने का निश्चय किया । झंजार Ex:  Wear misfortune says a person whose presence is expected to cause unhappiness to another तुद Ex:  Who hoodoo, announcing or causes unhappiness दुःख उ:   यह पाकर भी दुःख से बचाई जाती है। दुक्ख दुष्ख दुष्ष पर्युत्सुकत्व पीड़ाकरण प्रैष बंकम बिरोग ‡ बिसमौ मोह उ:   गुफा के बाहर अमृत गंगा और जल प्रपात का दृश्य मन मोह लेता है। रंज रंजूरी रणरण रोवनी, धोवनी विप्रधर्ष विराधान विसमाद विहेठ वैचिञ्य वैचित्य व्याकूत श्रांति संसदन हृल्लेखा
Other : असुख Ex:  Bring happiness, bring bad luck, wear lucky someone says a person who is supposed to influence the happiness on the unhappiness of some other
Unhappiness ki paribhasha : aisa avastha jisase chhutakaara paane ki ichchha praaniyon men svaabhaavik ho
Usage of Unhappiness in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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