Unmarried meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unmarried
As adjective :
अकृतोद्वाह Ex:  She is unmarried and footloose. अनिविष्ट Ex:  As the young queen was as yet unmarried and childless अविवाहित Ex:  It is still girl, she is unmarried उ:   २ मार्च, १७९७ को अविवाहित ही इनका देहान्त हो गया। बेब्याहा शंठ सिंगिल
Other : अनब्याहा Ex:  Elizabeth's unmarried status inspired a cult of virginity. अनब्याही Ex:  Referring to an unmarried female as a woman may अनूढ़ Ex:  His daughter died young and unmarried a few days before Philip's death. अनूढ़ा Ex:  His unmarried sister does not get along with his wife . अपरिणिता Ex:  It also said the woman who takes care of the household of a widower or unmarried अविवाहिता Ex:  MADAME was also the title that was given to all girls sovereign house, even when they were unmarried कुँआरा Ex:  Politeness Terme, by which means the girls and unmarried women कुँआरी Ex:  She preferred to remain unmarried than making marriage proposed to her कुँवारा Ex:  That means particularly FREE is unmarried कुमारी क्वाँरा क्वारा
Usage of Unmarried in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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