Unpaid meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unpaid
As adjective : अदत्तवेतन Ex:  When part of the Polish army mutinied in January 1612 due to unpaid wages.
अभुक्त Ex:  Planck became an unpaid private lecturer in Munich अवैतनिक Ex:  Both roles are unpaid उ:   इतना सब कुछ उन्होंने अवैतनिक क्षमता में रहते हुए किया। असमादत्त Ex:  "perhaps the worst army that has ever marched to war" - unpaid निर्वेतन Ex:  RETURN says, in terms of Bank of Reference which is made of an unpaid because of the place where it was pulled one from which he was shot
Other : अदत्त पूंजी Ex:  He is in the incubus of his unpaid debts. अदत्त Ex:  Then, there's this matter of the unpaid bills . उ:   अदत्त का उपादान, अविधान की हिंसा। अशोधित Ex:  It is typically unpaid and voluntary. जो भुगतान न हुआ हो Ex:  National Guard was of an unpaid Troupe, composed most often civilian elements, having a duty to maintain order and contribute to homeland defense of the country वेतन न पानेवाला
Unpaid ki paribhasha : vah vastu jisake diye jaane par bhi lenevaale ko usake rakhane ka adhikaar na ho jisane bhog na kiya ho jo kisi kaam ko karane ke liye vetan na paaye
Usage of Unpaid in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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