Untie meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Untie
As verb : इतलाक Ex:  Attach, detach, knot, untie her garters, garter
खोलना Ex:  It can not untie itself उ:   मॉनाहैम का मूल उद्देश्य तीन पिज़्ज़ा रेस्तरां खोलना था। चियारना Ex:  , they are not worthy to untie the strings of his shoes फक्क Ex:  , Untie, untie the language to someone, Making break the silence someone who wanted to keep the बंधन खोलना Ex:  Nouer untie the belts विस्रंसन व्यादन श्रथन समुन्मीलन
Other : उतारना Ex:  He is not worthy to untie the cords of such shoes, it is much lower than it deserves खोल या उतार Ex:  It also means not hold its speech, untie a verbal commitment
Untie ki paribhasha : ooanche sthaan se niche sthaan men laana kisi vastu ke mile ya jude hue bhaagon ko ek doosare se is prakaar alag karana ki usake andar ya usake paar takaanaa, jaanaa, tatolanaa, dekhana aadi ho sake
Usage of Untie in sentences

The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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