Veiled meaning in hindi - Veiled का मतलब हिंदी में

Veiled meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Veiled
As verb :
अमूझा Ex:  A veiled in brick building schooner अस्पष्ट Ex:  Clouds veiled the sun उ:   अस्पष्ट उद्देश्यवाला शोधकार्य भ्रमण उत्पन्न करता है। कुपिया Ex:  In terms of Photography, veiled photography A photograph whose negative has been obscured in whole or in part by the accidental action of too much light गुहय Ex:  The statue was half veiled गोमगा Ex:  This building is veiled, poorly veiled घूँघटदार Ex:  , covertly, with discretion, in veiled terms छायावेष्टित धुमैली पोशीदा मदफून म्लिष्ट विजल्पित संदिग्घ सीक्रेट
As adjective : अंतरद्वार Ex:  Can you see the veiled moon? अंतर्दधान Ex:  a veiled dancer अंतलीन Ex:  She bared her veiled face. अड़िठ Ex:  A veiled sculpture of a woman is worthseeing in the Salar Jung Museum अपह्नुत Ex:  A veiled building brig schooner अवगुंठित Ex:  A veiled woman आंतर Ex:  In terms of music, heavenly voice is said of the organ registry that produces sounds sweet and veiled उ:   चर्म का शोधन होना ऐसे ही आंतर लवण बनने के कारण समझा जाता है। खफी Ex:  Speak veiled गुहय Ex:  The statue was half veiled घूँघट युक्त Ex:  This building is veiled, poorly veiled छिपा हुआ निभृत निहाँ पिनहाँ रुपोश लुक्कायित विनिहूनुत विप्रच्छन्न संछन्न सावरण सीक्रेट
Examples Words that rhyme with veiled
Usage of Veiled in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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