Verses meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Verses
As noun : अच्छंद Ex:  Miltons verses are well known
अवलंवक Ex:  There are eighty verses in the book. छंद Ex:  Satanic verses उ:   बिहारी ने केवल दो ही छंद अपनाए हैं, दोहा और सोरठा। दवाला Ex:  A few verses directly reference the Father नजम Ex:  In other verses in Masnavi बह्व Ex:  They were first mentioned by that name in verses printed in a local newspaper मदमत्ता Ex:  The Greek word adelphos in these verses सुपवित्र Ex:  Sievers divided verses into five basic types
Verses ki paribhasha : ek aabhooshan jo haath men choodiyon ke bich pahana jaata hai
Usage of Verses in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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