Victorious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Victorious
As adjective : उद्धर Ex:  Ashoka was titled Ashoka the Greatafter his victorious triumphs
औद्भिद Ex:  Usibepu's forces were victorious गालिब Ex:  They have been victorious in the World Cup tournament a record five times उ:   गालिब और दाग हमारे हैं। जयवंत Ex:  Although the Qing forces were eventually victorious जयी Ex:  China emerged victorious but financially drained. जितशत्रु Ex:  "the victorious king". जितैला Ex:  Although Japan turned out victorious जेता Ex:  The Whites were victorious in the ensuing war. जेन्य Ex:  The Allies were victorious तुर्वाणि Ex:  The victorious powers divided the city into four sectors तूर्वयाण Ex:  Bahadur emerged victorious and founded the Rana lineage. परपुरंजय Ex:  Zeus and his siblings were victorious बिजयी Ex:  Henry V was victorious in his conquest विजयी Ex:  This Second Mexican Empire was victorious for only a few years उ:   हालांकि, पोलैंड विजयी था और तुर्क हार गए थे। विजितवान् Ex:  Though the United Kingdom and its empire emerged victorious from World War II विजितवान् Ex:  Though the United Kingdom and its empire emerged victorious from World War II विजिती Ex:  Diomedes survive to return to Greece victorious विजेता Ex:  It was the year when the victorious Octavian entered Alexandria. उ:   १९९६ क्रिकेट विश्व कप में विजेता रहा। विषासहि Ex:  It was in 1168 that the victorious Shirkuh entered Cairo विषासहि Ex:  It was in 1168 that the victorious Shirkuh entered Cairo वैजयी Ex:  The Franks were victorious सक्षण Ex:  "had the Muslims been victorious at Tours सक्षण Ex:  "had the Muslims been victorious at Tours
Other : जीता हुआ Ex:  The Allies eventually emerged victorious over the Germans सफल Ex:  In 1939, General Franco emerged victorious and became a dictator. उ:   हालाँकि यह फिल्म सफल नहीं हो पायी।
Victorious ki paribhasha : arjun
Usage of Victorious in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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