Volatility meaning in hindi - Volatility का मतलब हिंदी में

Volatility meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Volatility
As noun : अस्थिरता Ex:  The volatility of the rand has affected economic activity उ:   इस अस्थिरता के कारण भी देश को बहुत नुकसान हुआ।
उत्तेजनशीलता Ex:  Smoke represented the volatility चित्तभेद डगमगी नापायदारी बाष्पशीलता वाष्पशीलता सीमाबियत
Other : चंचलता Ex:  It particularly means, in terms of chemistry, Delete volatility of certain liquid or gaseous body, addition or combination with another body चंचलाहट Ex:  The volatility alcohol चपलता चांचल्य जल्दी से उडने की शक्ति वाष्प्शीलता
Usage of Volatility in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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