Weakly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Weakly
As noun : दुर्बलतापूर्वक Ex:  Support a cause weakly
As adverb :
अकिंचितकर Ex:  The opposition parties responded weakly or were generally unresponsive. अच्छम Ex:  An example is the weakly acidic ammonium chloride अनिर Ex:  Soviet forces selected a weakly defended part of the front and broke through. अपारक Ex:  Moving through weakly defended areas अशक्त Ex:  Hindi is a weakly inflected language for case उ:   अशक्त या वृद्धों के लिए सवारियों का प्रबंध किया जा सकता है। असकति Ex:  Ethanol's hydroxyl proton is very weakly acidic, even weaker than water. औनापौना Ex:  Absolutely, this racquet makes Well, sounds bad, it is right or wrong tense, it strongly or weakly returns the ball कमजोरी से Ex:  Chemistry Aluminium oxide, weakly basic substance that can also play the role of acid कमोवेश Ex:  His heart no longer beating weakly उ:   शायद देश के अन्य हिस्सों का भी कमोवेश यहीं हाल है। गतायु Ex:  It is beginning to recover, but weakly थोड़ा बहुत Ex:  It weakly defends नाताकत Ex:  The author has interacted weakly scene फीके ढंग से Ex:  weakly resist लटपटा विकुंठित श्लथ
Other : कमजोर Ex:  Attacking act weakly उ:   माइलोमा में हड्डियां भी कमजोर होने लगती है। दुर्बल Ex:  moderately, weakly उ:   अत्यन्त दुर्बल और बुरा आदमी है और झपट जोर की लगी है। दुर्बलता से Ex:  Rescue powerfully weakly promptly बीमार Ex:  , obtuse Spirit, Spirit weakly penetrating, which has difficulty in conceiving उ:   इस यात्रा के दौरान सात बच्चों ने जन्म लिया कुछ लोग बीमार होकर मर गए।
Usage of Weakly in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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