Weary meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Weary
As verb : उकता देना Ex:  I am weary of keeping up my act .
उबाऊ Ex:  Please don't weary me with your complaints . ऊब जाना Ex:  On 3 May the weary French 2nd Colonial Division ऊबा हुआ Ex:  Doing something weary क्लान्त Ex:  I gave him weary थका मांदा Ex:  It has long refused to this arrangement; Finally, weary of war, he has consented थकाना Ex:  weary to walk, work
Other : क्लांत Ex:  He came weary me its follies घबराया Ex:  I guess he will soon weary This kind of life थक जाना Ex:  I hand weary of writing, the weary eyes for reading थका Ex:  One grows weary more to stand to walk थकाऊ Ex:  The fortune, fate was not weary of persecuting निढाल Ex:  , hackneyed be something, have reshuffled the ears, be weary of hearing about it लस्त Ex:  , Walking someone, the abuse, the weary by delays, empty promises by शिथिल Ex:  You weary my goodness, my indulgence उ:   शास्रीय शैली का नियमन और अनुशासन शिथिल हो जाता है। सुस्त हारा उ:   किसी समय यहाँ के राजा राव देव हारा था।
Weary ki paribhasha : chinta ya lajja aadi ke kaaran nistej parishram karaate karaate ashakt karaana
Usage of Weary in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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