Whereupon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Whereupon
As adverb : जिस पर Ex:  What sustains something , whereupon it poses
Other :
इसके+पश्चात Ex:  Raju came first whereupon he gave a party . किस पर Ex:  1958, whereupon it is assumed to have burned up completely. जिसके पश्चात तत्पश्चात उ:   तत्पश्चात यह तुर्की के अधीन रहा। तदन्तर उ:   तदन्तर विभिन्न लोक बने। तब उ:   तब से इसके अनेक संस्करण प्रकाशित हो चुके हैं। तिस पर
Usage of Whereupon in sentences

The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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