What is another word for Acrylic in english

The list of words which can be used for Acrylic while creating sentence in english language. varnish oil enamel glaze, varnish, lacquer, stain, coating, finish, gloss color makeup cosmetic superficial, corrective, nonessential, makeup, surface pigment wax dye stain, tint, pigment, tinge, tincture, dyestuff, colorant stain flat horizontal, unbroken, low, empty, even, reclining, plane coloring overlay rouge gloss varnish, veneer, glaze, luster, finish, brightness, gleam veneer latex varnish, oil, enamel, color, makeup, cosmetic, pigment, wax chroma greasepaint foundation, face, powder, pancake, blush, lipstick tempera emulsion ointment, paste, jelly, unction, liniment, cosmetic, salve 
Usage of Acrylic in sentences
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