What is another word for Addicted in english

The list of words which can be used for Addicted while creating sentence in english language. devoted dedicated, faithful, steadfast, zealous, concerned, dear obsessed hooked enamored, absorbed, devoted, obsessed, dependent, prone inclined willing, apt, prone, tending, given, disposed, predisposed absorbed preoccupied, involved, engaged, engrossed, fascinated, gone accustomed addicted, confirmed, acquainted, seasoned, trained, adapted predisposed habituated fanatic devotee, bigot, freak, maniac, radical, nut, visionary fond sympathetic, affectionate, enamored, sentimental, indulgent given to under the influence used to attached secure, fix, affix, adhere, add, link, connect, tie, stick hyped imbued permeate, ingrain, suffuse, inculcate, pervade, leaven spaced out given over to prone to strung out wedded to 
Usage of Addicted in sentences
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