What is another word for Asleep in english

The list of words which can be used for Asleep while creating sentence in english language. dormant latent, inert, inoperative, passive, asleep, comatose comatose senseless, cold, dead, dopey, drowsy, drugged, insensible dreaming inactive dormant, unused, immobile, jobless, unemployed, inoperative inert dormant, motionless, immobile, impotent, passive, inactive out cold resting sleeping somnolent conked crashed dozing snooze, slumber, catnap, sleep, drop off, drift off flaked out getting shut-eye hibernating hole up, hide, vegetate, winter, immure, lie torpid in dreamland in repose napping on the kip out like a light out of it reposing sacked out slumbering snoozing snoring taking forty winks catching some zzz's 
Usage of Asleep in sentences
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