What is another word for Capably in english

The list of words which can be used for Capably while creating sentence in english language. competently effectively, well, skillfully, expertly, efficiently adroitly competently, capably, cleanly, nicely, accurately sufficiently satisfactorily appropriately justly, duly, accordingly, properly, judiciously, aptly abundantly handsomely, richly, amply, lavishly, generously, profusely modestly quietly, simply, plainly, humbly, purely, bashfully suitably decently sufficiently, competently, satisfactorily, appropriately acceptably sufficiently, competently, satisfactorily, appropriately copiously sufficiently, competently, satisfactorily, appropriately fairly well fittingly sufficiently, competently, satisfactorily, abundantly pleasantly enough presentably to an acceptable degree tolerably well enough finally certainly, definitely, permanently, completely, lastly forcefully strenuously, vigorously, energetically, emphatically completely unconditionally, ultimately, perfectly, absolutely, fully definitely doubtless, easily, plainly, absolutely, decidedly energetically strenuously, vigorously, firmly excellently conclusively once and for all, positively, decisively, definitively dramatically badly, seriously, fiercely, greatly, dangerously productively efficaciously cogently finally, forcefully, completely, definitely, energetically effectually essentially, nearly, basically, practically, around expertly cleanly, nicely, accurately, precisely, handily, orderly persuasively tellingly reasonably rationally logically shrewdly wisely brilliantly brightly, blazingly, radiantly, shiningly, cleverly knowingly deliberately, purposely, consciously, wittingly, purposedly sharply judiciously justly, duly, accordingly, properly, aptly, fittingly skillfully prudently sensibly alertly aptly timely, suitably, opportunely, pertinently, gracefully astutely shrewdly, wittily, sensibly, reasonably, rationally comprehendingly discerningly intellectually reasonably, rationally, logically, shrewdly, wisely keenly strongly, seriously, vigorously, heavily, severely, angrily knowledgeably perspicaciously resourcefully sagaciously 
Usage of Capably in sentences
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