What is another word for Cicatrice in english

The list of words which can be used for Cicatrice while creating sentence in english language. blister abscess, sore, welt, ulcer, cyst, pimple, carbuncle, wale flaw blemish, weakness, failing, defect, foible, glitch, fault disfigurement malformation, flaw, blemish, scar, defect, mark, deformation wound defect fault, flaw, lack, glitch, weakness, crack, deformity, bug crater mouth, hole, pit, abyss, opening, bowl, hollow, depression discoloration blemish, splotch, blot, blotch track hurt shot, tender, damaged, cut, aching, burned, hit, harmed mark streak, impression, point, stamp, symbol, spot, imprint pockmark scab cicatrix 
Usage of Cicatrice in sentences
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