What is another word for Collectors Piece in english

The list of words which can be used for Collectors Piece while creating sentence in english language. bibelot curio antique, trinket, trifle, toy, bygone, bauble, bibelot knickknack curio, ornament, bauble, souvenir, trifle, toy, thingamajig bric-a-brac collector's item collector's piece antique ancient, aged, elderly, superannuated, obsolescent classic simple, usual, typical, vintage, representative, standard heirloom birthright, gift, inheritance, reversion, legacy, patrimony masterpiece monument, treasure, jewel, gem, classic, masterstroke showpiece old master composition design picture, scheme, layout, form, map, pattern, study, idea study work of art art work artistic production object of art piece of art 
Usage of Collectors Piece in sentences
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