Yelling meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Yelling
As noun : अभिक्रंद Ex:  I just stared at him while he was yelling .
चिल्लाता हुआ Ex:  Stop yelling your guts out and listen to me . चिल्लाहट Ex:  The soldiers kept yelling उ:   यह एक चिल्लाहट से, एक गरज से, या तुरही के विस्फोट से घिरा हुआ है। चीख पुकार Ex:  Grohl ran to the mic and began yelling "Hi चीखता हुआ Ex:  " He then starts yelling at passing cars: "Hey ढाड़ Ex:  Action yelling ढाढ़ Ex:  I'm yelling at him to turn away, he does not hear me प्रगर्जन, प्रगर्जित बूँब वावेला विराविणी विरुत विरुति ह्वान
Usage of Yelling in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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