Yet meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Yet
As noun : अबहि Ex:  her voice was swift, yet ever the last words fell lingeringly
अबी Ex:  Those boys are twins yet diametrically different. उ:   इनके नाम अबी गमिन, माना पर्वत तथा मुकुट पर्वत हैं। अभी Ex:  The minutes of the meeting are not yet ready. उ:   अभी आप लोग नतीजा देख ही सकते हो । दरहाल Ex:  Since most diseases cannot yet be treated effectively सरेदस्त Ex:  Although Castro had not yet formulated his ambitious plans
As adverb : अंततोगत्वा Ex:  Our country has yet to exploit many unseen natural resourses. उ:   अंततोगत्वा यह पृथ्वी की भूपर्पटी के रूप में विकसित हो गए। अउरउ, अउरौ Ex:  his doom is as yet unsealed अतिरिक्त Ex:  wouldst not play false and yet would wrongly win उ:   इसके अतिरिक्त महल में तीन ऊंचे गुम्बद है। अपरु Ex:  a shrill yet sweet tenuity of voice अब तक का Ex:  Ive yet to see another mercenary like him. अब तक Ex:  having said her say Peggy manfully shouldered her burden and prepared to break up yet another home अब Ex:  they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet उ:   अब हमें यह नहीं करना चाहिए। अभी तक Ex:  my snapshots havent been developed yet अभी भी Ex:  The railway line hasnot yet been extended to the remotest areas in the North-
East regions.
आकिरकार Ex:  The aircrafts engine failed yet it was glided down to a safe landing. आवर Ex:  We are not to the buried cable yet . इस समय Ex:  Wonder if it's stopped raining yet . ऊर Ex:  We have not inquired into it yet . ऐडिशनल Ex:  They haven't won the game yet . Ex:  I don't know my way around this city yet . और भी Ex:  I feel better off and on, but I'm not well yet . और Ex:  You're only fifty! You're not over-thehill yet . उ:   और दिमाग काफी बेहतर तरीके से काम करने लग जाता है। किसी दिन Ex:  Max asked Lefty if he had paid the cops off yet . तथापि Ex:  The relocation process has not yet been completed उ:   तथापि अंग्रेज बढ़ते आ रहे थे। तब तक Ex:  Through a mechanism not yet fully understood तब भी Ex:  She has yet to win the mixed doubles at the Australian and French opens . तहू Ex:  King has had yet another version of the "God" story ताँ Ex:  43 BC, yet he was also given the power to vote alongside the former consuls. तावत् Ex:  And yet he is to be compelled to pay. तौहू Ex:  This, however, has yet to be verified by Guinness World Records. परंच Ex:  "and yet she makes herself feared by Spain, by France, by the Empire, by all". फिर भी Ex:  Controlled clinical trials have not yet been conducted फुजला Ex:  Mendeleev predicted the properties of elements yet to be discovered. बाजु Ex:  37 Ma but no Parictis fossils have yet to be found in East Asia. सरेदस्त Ex:  Although Castro had not yet formulated his ambitious plans सुतरां Ex:  Perhaps surprisingly, that had not yet been tested. हुण Ex:  The main wreck, however, has yet to be located. उ:   तोरामन भारत में हुण शासन का संस्थापक था। हूँण Ex:  Davis followed Gibbon's Vindication with yet another reply. हेजैँ Ex:  Although not confirmed as yet
Other : अंत को Ex:  The deed has not yet been signed due to his lethargy. अब भी Ex:  As such, it is composed of particles as yet unobserved in the laboratory . इस पर भी Ex:  I haven't yet got the feel of this bat . इसके अलावा Ex:  The ball is not in play yet . तदापि Ex:  As Richelieu had not yet reached the official minimum age तो भी Ex:  Mozart began yet another job-hunting tour तौहू Ex:  This, however, has yet to be verified by Guinness World Records. पर Ex:  Australia was not yet independent of the UK उ:   यहाँ पर सरकारी व निजी दोनों ही विद्यालय हैं। परंच Ex:  "and yet she makes herself feared by Spain, by France, by the Empire, by all".
Yet ki paribhasha : do shabdon ya vaakyon ko jodnevaala shabd
Usage of Yet in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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