Meaning of alankrit karna in english

Interpreting alankrit karna - अलंकृत करना
As noun : ornament Ex:  This ornament still existed in 1940-50. The Swastika was also a heraldic symbol
As verb :
decorate Ex:  Stars are used to decorate trees at time of festivals. garnish Ex:  A garnish of onion and cucumber slices were used to decorate the dish.
Other : constellate ornamentation Ex:  Also the degree of ornamentation of the leg wear and spur vary considerably. to garnish Ex:  Carpentry Small post that is mainly used to garnish timbered to beautify Ex:  It is figuratively said to Circle with the aim to beautify and strengthen beautified Ex:  The garden was beautified on the occasion of Christmas. to bedeck bedeck to fret Ex:  Reema starts to fret whenever her son goes out. emboss Ex:  Arts in Action emboss beautify Ex:  It is figuratively said to Circle with the aim to beautify and strengthen doll Ex:  The doll was placed in a niche. fret Ex:  Reema starts to fret whenever her son goes out.
Suggested : to raise or represent (surface designs) in relief the act of ornamenting to provide or supply with something ornamental adorn decorate an accessory, article, or detail used to beautify the appearance of something to which it is added or of which it is a part to furnish or adorn with something ornamental or becoming embellish
Exampleअलंकृत करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of alankrit karna Antonyms of alankrit karna

Word of the day
alankrit karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : ala.nkRRita karanaa

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