Meaning of angulee ke por se dabana ya marana,anguli ke por se dabana ya marana in english

Interpreting angulee ke por se dabana ya marana,anguli ke por se dabana ya marana - अंगुली के पोर से दबाना या मारना
As verb :
knuckle Ex:  " He weeps over her son guilty and unhappy He weeps over his captive homeland and desolate And speaking of a woman crying like a Madeleine, Crying profusely Crying like a baby crying excessively and ridiculous Crying for something, Having trouble getting the It seems that he cried for a coat, a hat, etc , is said of someone who too short clothing, a poor quality hat, etc , he has left, one left him the eyes to weep, He lost everything, everything has taken him , He cries of one eye and laughs at the other said Someone who laughs and cries at the same time as uncertain between two opposite feelings The eyes mourn him, his eyes water is said in speaking of a person who has of tears flow determined by any physical cause The grapevine says crying When dripping water from the wood after it has been freshly cut CRY is also transitive, meaning Regret, regret some thing, be distressed Crying loss of his friends Crying his misfortune, his misfortunes Crying death of his father, his mother someone Crying, Crying his loss, his Death Crying his father Crying his mother It does not happen the day he mourns his wife, his son, his friend It was lamented by all his friends Crying a sin, sins, bewail his sins, Have a great regret, great pain of sin, the sins we committed This misfortune should be cried with tears of blood, can not be over crying nor pain be too strong Crying his sentence, the spare, be stingy , Do not cry with one eye, only half regretted not It is the cried with one eye, he was late in appearance and as , He cries bread he eats is said of a miser who regret what he eats, who skimp on their own food , It is a cry-bread, a cry-misery It's a miser who always complains of his misery Disease Medicine caused by inflammation of the pleura, and often the outer part of the lung acute pleurisy chronic pleurisy purulent pleurisy two kinds T Medicine Pertaining to pleurisy, which is caused by pleurisy Douleur Pleuritic pleuritic effusion Pleuritic Point, Point pain caused by pleurisy The one, the one that used to cry This is a weeping It is a great weeping, a great weeper PLEUREUSE Women also said that among the ancient Greeks and ancient Romans were rented to weep and wail at funerals There are still weeping and in Corsica in some parts of France PLEUREUR also works adjectively and signifies Who cries easily, tearful A weeping tone Weeping willow, weeping ash, willow species, species of ash, whose frail branches long dangling to earth of dry pleurisy Medicine, localized Assign crying, having a tearful tone, trying to cry like children who want us to attendrisse and that gives them Action whining It tiredness everyone with his constant whining He is familiar The one, the one that whines It's a whiner, a crybaby He is familiar d Natural History flatfish Genre who, like flounder, plaice, turbot, sole, etc , swim on one side of the body and have both eyes on the same side of the head Medicine disease in which the pleura and the lungs are inflamed simultaneously Term contempt, to refer to a man without character, without courage, without dignity His conduct in this case was that of a coward Character one that is cowardly This man is of unparalleled cowardice It also says a loose Action Committing cowardice It says Water falling from the sky, and this sense it is always impersonal It rains very strong It does not rain much It started to rain It only rained for some time It's pouring, buckets, to torrents, It rains very strong figuratively and familiarly is said in the same direction it rains halberds , As if it rained, Many, in large quantities It spends money as if ' it rained , It is a listening if it rains said of a weak man, who lets himself be arrested by the smallest obstacles It also tells of an illusory promise of a bad defeat , a very uncertain hope RAIN is also said to Various things that fall or appear to fall from the sky like rain It was rumored that it had rained blood in such a place, it had rained there stones God rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah RAIN is said, figuratively, of things that fall in large quantities It's raining shells in this place The shots gun it rained It rained on them a shower of blows, a shower of stones, a hail of arrows, lines The bullets rained around them The blows rained down on her shoulders , It rains libels, to bad, etc , It publishes daily a large amount It rains songs, epigrams, etc , against such, he runs a lot of songs , epigrams, etc The taunts raining down on him from all sides, it is the object of a thousand taunts , Raining jokers, boring, annoying, etc Somewhere you go, you meet a lot of jokers, boring, and intrusive, etc , Goods, dignities, honors showered at home, showered on him, He sometimes great benefits back to back; it lavishes dignities, honors Anatomy serous membrane that coats the walls of the chest and lungs envelope The inflammation of the pleura Anatomy Lacis, network formed by multiple threads of nerves especially the spinal nerves, or several small vessels intertwined Lumbar Plexus Small wicker strand that is used to bind the vine, tree branches Double that makes a fabric to the machine, to paper, etc , by folding one part against another Make a crease to a cloth Make several folds, several small pleats, large folds The headlines pleats pleated Put a fabric in its folds, the fold in the same way as it was bent by the manufacturer It also means that this Sinuosities a floating fabric, drapery The folds of her dress, his coat, his cassock In terms of Painting and Sculpture, must bare tires felt in the folds The clothes do not crease, it's just the size , This is a matter that will not make a ripple, not a small crease, not the slightest fold, says Case is an easy and which can not suffer difficulty Herewith, in this letter You will find herewith I send you herewith the paper you ask me I received your letter and hers in the same envelope, under the same envelope By extension, ministerial Fold, Letter from a minister Fold sealed, secret letter that must be opened only in certain circumstances set , Delving into all the creases and folds of the heart, probe the creases and folds of the heart, Seek to discover that there are more secret, more hidden in the heart PLI also means the Mark remains to a fabric in the machine, to paper, etc , for being folded This garment made a crease, took a bad habit There were horns to this book, we still see the folds This garment took its fold, folds are always remain there are , He took his fold, said of a man who is not of age or mood to easily correct, change usual It is said in the same direction The fold is taken, you n 't come to the end , This young man has made a good fold, a bad habit, is already fully formed habits of good or evil It is said in the same direction Leave a good fold to Youth In terms of Carousel, put a horse in a nice fold PLI also called What looks like the fold of a cloth, etc The skin of this animal folds The folds of the corolla of buckwheat A Sybarite complained that the fold of a pink sheet on which he lay had prevented him from sleeping Having wrinkles on the forehead, face, Have wrinkles The crease of the arm, the fold of the hock, Where the arm, where the knuckle folds A field fold, Sinuosity soil penetration where one can hide, take cover The enemy crept up outposts to the field for a few folds In terms of Carousel, The bend of the mouthpiece, the location of the break of the curb bit In terms of Marine cable fold, the cable wheel length as severely Wet a fold cable, not spinning very little cable, laying the anchor of two kinds that is flexible, easy to fold This kind of timber is hardly pliable It is also used figuratively and Who is mean docile, willing to be governed Have the foldable mind, foldable mood is rarely used Action, way of folding ; Result of this action The folding of fabrics must be done carefully The folding of printed sheets varies formats Who is versatile, flexible, easy to bend Wicker is extremely folding Folding Seat and substantively Cot, Headquarters X, which folds in half and has no arms or folder It does give a folding bed it It is also said folding chair, folding table , folding bed for a chair, a table, a bed that can fold FOLDING is also used figuratively and signifies who is docile, accommodating, willing to do what others want or what the circumstances require He character folding, folding the mood It is a mind bending two kinds of T Who Botanical wrinkles liseron the corolla plicatile Kind of Fish Plaice dish also called On many flounder fishing at the mouth of the Loire and all along the coast of the ocean Dance and Gymnastics Movement knees when you bend the Make folded Put duplicate one or more times, speaking of linen, fabrics, paper, etc Fold clothes, bed sheets, towels Fold printed sheets Fold four, eight, sixteen, etc Pack Up says an Army decamp, who retires before another The army packed up The enemy, knowing that walking to them, thought of pack , Pack Up, To go It also works very familiar in the direction of Dying FOLD also means Fold one over the other parties of an object Fold a screen Fold tent It still means to bow, bend Fold wicker Fold the branch of a tree Bend knees L'endroit where the arm where the leg bends If fold in half , in this circumstance, you just have to bend the shoulders and have patience , Bend knees before the golden calf, Make slavishly courting a rich man, a powerful person; make meanness to acquire honors, fortune FOLD is used figuratively and signifies Secure, submit to assign, accustomed It will bend this young man to the rule Bending his mind, mood the wishes, the desires of others Bending to the will, to mood, to someone's whims Bending the circumstances I can not stoop to that In terms of Carousel, Bend a horse, bring him in the head in or out, to make it the flexible neck and give it the ease in shoulders FOLD is also Intransitive and signifies Become curved A reed, a stick, a rod that bends The board bent under him The floor gave way under the weight The tree bends under the weight of its fruit To bend a bow , Bending under the weight of affairs, under the weight of years, be overloaded business, be overwhelmed by age Doubled is said by exaggeration of Man as age or disease prevents stand straight , This is a reed that bends to the winds is said of a person who has no strength, which yields to all the impulses that we want to give him It is better to bend than break, Better give than to lose by resisting; it is often more advantageous to give than to resist too stubbornly intransitively FOLD is also used figuratively, and Yielding means, submit Fold under the authority, under the orders of someone Fold under the laws of necessity It bends everything under his will It will not bend You will not do bend It still means figuratively Reversing, and in this sense it is said Troops itself which fell in battle This corps folded under the number The right wing was the first to bend The one, the one that folds linens Bender Folder books, brochures, newspaper Silk bending , means, in terms of the Arts, a machine used to bend Antique Stone flat, square which is under the column or -Dessus marquee In terms of architecture, it designates a base forming Square tablet It also tells of a band or flat projection that reigns at the foot of a building at the foot of a wall apartment, a paneling This heater is too narrow and does not have enough protrusion The hangings of the piece rests on the plinth The plinth paneling Baseboard wall, Kind flowerbed of the line that indicates the floors on the facade of a building, or that reigns atop a boundary wall of both genders, who belongs to the newer part of the Tertiary A field Pliocene The Pliocene epoch substantively, The Pliocene Small weapon of wood, ivory or other material, flat, sharp on both sides, rounded at both ends, and which is used for folding and cutting paper Use your bone folder It also means, in terms of the Arts, a thin wooden blade used to fold the cloth Medical Illness in which the hair, beard, hair tangled and are glued together Action squint The pleating skirt Action to wrinkle ; state which is pleated It means particularly in terms of geology, a fallback in the crust due to a contraction of this bark It is said that strictly speaking Folds as tailors, the seamstresses, laundresses and ironers are certain fabrics or garment pieces Pucker skirt Pucker shirt Squint a collar This fabric folds well It is also intransitive and signifies Having folds This fabric puckers, it makes it folds These curtains too pucker, pucker right, wrong pucker, it makes it too folds, pleats are fine, go wrong The past participle is sometimes used adjectively pleated sheet substantively, a pleated, pleated What is The pleated dress is this hurts Manner of folds Assembling several folds This pleating is done well Marine cow hair composition and crushed glass or mix of felt and tar you put between dubbing and planking of a ship for caulking Metal bluish-white, very soft, and one of the heaviest after gold and platinum Lead is easy to melt metal Pour melted lead A lead table A lead Salmon Lead bullets A lead coffin Lead pipes Lead Soldiers The shot of Venice, Lead roof from Palazzo Ducale, Venice, under which were prisons, and by extension, themselves Prisons It languished for two years under the Leads Graphite, name improperly given to graphite which is made of pencils, because of its similar metallic luster to that of lead Lead White, lead carbonate, also known as White Lead, which produces a white color which painters make use Lead Colic or painters, violent colic produced by the lead oxide content in oil colors , Cul lead, a heavy man who does not easily move , Swimming as a lead dog, do not know how to swim , a leaden sky, a gray sky, heavy , A blazing sun, a very hot sun , a lead heat, A heavy heat , a heavy sleeper, A sleep very heavy It would take a little lead in the head, said, speaking of a man who has light headed, dizzy a They say the same Put the lead in the head, brains This severe lesson should have put him in the lead brains She should make it less light and less dizzy , He has the lead in the wing, is said of someone who has experienced serious harm in his account in his fortune or his health In terms of Printing, Read on lead, read a passage on the same composition LEAD also said Balls, ingots and small grains lead one uses to hunt, to load firearms LEAD also said a small lead seal, in customs, is attached to bales, crates, etc , to attest they paid for the rights, or to prevent them from being opened before arriving at their destination Putting lead Change Lead Forging lead LEAD is yet said an instrument consisting of a piece of lead or other metal, suspended from a string, which the masons, carpenters, etc , Use to raise their works vertically See with a lead if a wall is straight, if properly vertical In this sense it is said often Plumb Put to lead, draw to lead a Wall, a carpenter, a frame Make it vertical It is said in the same direction This wall is plumb It is also said draw a plumb line on a wall on a building Lead probe or simply Lead, lead piece made cone and attached rope named Line, with which probe the sea, to know how many of depth and what capacity is the background In terms of electricity, Lead Lead fuse or absolutely said of a lead wire inserted in an electrical installation to avoid, by its merger, in case of short circuit, more serious accidents A lead jumped s LEAD is even said of Cups, usually lead, set on different floors of a house, to throw dirty water He was also the acid sulfide emanating cesspools and wells By extension, the lead scavengers, poisoning caused by fumes from cesspools A line that drops to lead on another two right angles is The sun gives lead, falls lead on the inhabitants of the torrid aplomb also said D' Action to seal, garnish lead, mark with a lead The sealing of a ridge The sealing of a nerd Paying for sealing as The sealing of the teeth, Operation of filling a metallic substance with the cavity of a decayed tooth blackish mineral substance, which is almost pure graphite which is made pencils We incorrectly referred to as the Graphite name Putting, tie, apply lead to anything, anywhere plomber nets so they sink to the bottom of the sea stopping the ridges, the hips of a covered slate top plomber dishes of land, the varnish with lead fill a tooth, fill the cavity of a decayed tooth with lead or other metallic substance It became a stopping tooth leaded cane, cane whose head is filled with lead plomber in terms of administration, mean Apply a small lead seal on bales, crates, etc , to show that they have paid the fee, or to prevent their open plomber bales, crates, etc plomber wagon These Goods traveling by car leaded plomber in terms of Terrassier and Gardener, means Presser, fight, walk on land for so that they strengthen and less sag It should be reported stopping land The past participle is sometimes used adjectively and signifies Who is livid, leaden This man has a leaden complexion, face sealed Color leaded Art to melt and work the lead It also said of a place where one runs and where work lead Whoever leaden goods, fabrics The Plombirators Customs Worker who works lead, which lays the articles of lead It should bring the plumber to fix the water pipe Of which direction is up and down The sword he received was plunging Shooting, plunging fire, Shooting directed so that the projectile reaches a nearly vertically Action diving state of one who plunges The duration of the dive was exactly three minutes In terms of the Navy, he means the maneuver by which a submarine sinks into the water, and also the state immersion in which it is located as a result of this maneuver This submarine has just completed his dive It sails diving In terms of fortifications, it means the top of the parapet Talus The dive parapet Action to dive Make the plunge is said of a person who plunges He said, figuratively and familiarly, a person who made a deep bow , Make diving, said of a man who lowers his head when he hears draw Those who have never been to war usually make the plunge the first shots we see It is also said to a person who tries to be forgotten for a while to escape temporary difficulties He suffered a dip Push someone, something in the water or some other liquid Diving a pitcher in the river It was deep in the pool up to the neck Diving someone in the sea Plunge a dagger in the heart, in the heart of someone, push Him a dagger in the heart, in the breast; and, figuratively, causing him deep grief, violent It's plunge the dagger in the heart to tell him that this new DIVING is also used figuratively and signifies deeply Put The loss of his the son plunged in grief It is he alone who plunged you in poverty This accident plunges me into an embarrassment from which I have a hard time pulling me Your speech m ' plunged into a cruel perplexity It is immersed in his work This view had plunged me into a deep reverie, in deep thought Immerse yourself in pain, plunge into debauchery, etc , Surrender fully to pain, debauchery, etc DIVING is still intransitive and then it means Sinking entirely in the water, so that water passes over the head Plonger underwater Learn to dive It dives like a duck Those who fish pearls plunge into the sea to bring back oysters It also means Have a direction from top to bottom From this mountain, dramatic view over a beautiful valley From the top of the Eiffel Tower, one plunges over Paris This cannon is fired by plunging , Diving, Sports court reverence The one who does his job to plunge into the sea to fish for pearls, coral, sponges, etc , and watercourses to remove what fell in the water He also said of him that, by year, sinking completely into the water while bathing This is an excellent diver In this sense it was a female Diver Bell plunger PLONGEUR also means a dish washer in a restaurant It also works adjectively Birds divers Marine Garnish plop the hull of a vessel Arts Metal piece making contact in electrical switches very rich man who strives to exert political influence by money state of a society in which the rich more or less directly exercise political power or enjoy an influence casting Which of the two genres can be folded, bent Bend, bend Ployer a tree branch Ployer knee It sometimes means Arrange one thing, by folding in the Scrolling, packet, etc Ployez your merchandise It is also intransitive and means Yielding All will bow to his will It is used particularly in terms of war and means Reversing, give in a higher force The right wing of the enemy was bent It is used most commonly in high style In common parlance, it utilizes Bend See FLUFFY Water produced by the condensation of clouds, which falls from the atmosphere on the earth in drops He falls of rain He falls a few drops of rain, big drops of rain To take cover rain Pass up the rain One rainy day A wind that brings rain A fog that resolves into rain The rain was wet, pierced to the bone A raincoat The meadows ask for rain Collect rainwater in cisterns The season of During continuous rains have washed away roads , Boring like rain, Very annoying Talking of the rain and the weather, Confer things indifferent , Make rain or shine, Having everything, fix everything, for his credit its influence He is the master in this house, there is rain or shine This favorite makes rain or shine , Taking, hide in the water for fear rain, To avoid inconvenience, throw in a still greater disadvantage , After the rain, the weather, often after a troubled time, He comes better It is also used figuratively and means: The joy often succeeds sadness , Small rain lays great wind Usually the wind dies down when he comes to rain It is also used figuratively and means: must sometimes little to stop a great quarrel RAIN also said some things that fall or appear to fall from the sky like rain In the vicinity of volcanoes, it sometimes produces rain of ash and sulfur The stones rains have spent long for fabulous , A shower of gold, Great gifts, great largesse spread on someone It was a golden rain fall on this man, this family In terms of Artificer, Fire Rains, Falling many sparks from a certain composition of flammable materials Password borrowed English Cake a thick paste which are mixed grain currants and various other ingredients All the pen is on the body of a bird Plumage variegated Plumage of various colors Birds of all kinds of plumages These are a feather of birds Industry, Commerce plumassier The one, the one that prepares, sells feathers, egrets, etc By affixing Marchand plumassier horny Hose, trimmed beards and down, which covers the body of birds The feathers of the head, body, wings, tail A bird that has not yet feathers Plucking feathers on a bird Des rooster feathers goose feathers The ostrich feathers, peacock, etc A quill The feather barbs A nib Light as a feather , Leave feathers, feathers, said of a man that is any loss, particularly loss of money He left the game with his feathers He left some feathers in this process , Sticking feathers to someone, Abusing someone's inexperience to win her money gambling or speculation, in one case, by processes unscrupulous Plucking a feather to someone of the wing, a beautiful feather of the wing, remove him something considerable, depriving him of any employment, etc , This is the jay that adorns peacock feathers, is said of a person who glories in what is not his FEATHER also said, collectively, an assembly, a heap of feathers The tiny bird feather called down This bird moult all its pen drops A feather bed Place the pen in a cushion, a pillow, a pillow Sleeping, sleeping on the pen, , sleeping on a feather bed This dog is trained to coat and pen or simply This dog is spot on and the pen is prepared to hunt, stop any kind of game such as hares, partridges etc In Falconry, it is also said of a bird that was also prepared for the hare and partridge FEATHER says, especially and absolutely, of which prepared feathers used as ornament, as ornament A bouquet of feathers A feather strand Wear a feather in his hat A hat trimmed with feathers Dye feathers Curl feathers , White feathers s 'used to designate marshals and generals of the rank of corps commander They say the same He was given the white feathers, He has the rank of corps commander PEN says also, absolutely, feathers Gros pipes of all kinds of birds, mainly of the wing of geese or swans, which was used to write A quill Cut feathers Plume trimmed to write big, end A package of feathers A feather squeaky A pen that writes well, writing bad Holding his pen well A stroke of the pen Portrait drawing done with pen By analogy, metal pen, steel pen, gold pen, and absolutely Plume, Small sharp metal blade and split shaped nib and employed to write Take the pen, put pen to paper, start writing a letter, a book I take the pen I put the pen to paper to tell you The same is said Ask the pen, write Stop Breaking his pen to write in protest Stop The pen in hand is said of Someone one who writes, composes It is always the pen in hand , let go, let his pen, write with abandon, quickly even told to write familiar with the Pen, writing express his thoughts as it comes, without meditation, without looking This book seems written to the current pen , This word, this syllable, this letter has remained at the end of my pen, I failed I forgot to write that word, that syllable, the letter It also says This word appeared, found at the end of my pen He offered my course mind, and I wrote it on the spot It is he who holds the pen is said of one who is responsible for writing resolutions, deliberations are taken in a company, in an assembly, etc Human pen Whoever makes writing business It is said earlier today letters of Man FEATHER says figuratively writing It has a nice feather It also means the composition of the works of the spirit, style, how to write an author The works that come out of his pen Everything from his pen is excellent It lives by his pen This topic is worthy of his pen Feather War Dispute in writing between writers FEATHER also said, figuratively, of the same author This is one of best writers of France, of his century This is a fertile pen, a satirical pen, pen vengeful The pen and sword, Writers and Military household utensil, made with large turkey feathers, rooster, etc , used to remove dust from off the furniture It is usual that in this phrase plucked ink, What can make ink a pen to write with Plucking the feathers of a bird Plumer poultry Plumer a pigeon Plumer in hot water , Plumer goose without making shout Making exactions so adroitly, that there be no complaints , Plumer someone Stripping someone of his money This is a young man who leaves plucking They plumèrent the game to take away his last penny Plume ostrich, prepared and made a hat She had a feather, a single plume on his hat Wear a plume It had a feather on the ear It says the feathers commonly used ornamental bouquet to certain military hairstyles , Have its plume slightly with wine PLUMET says Also Bouquet of feathers adorning the canopy, the canopy beds, hearses In terms of Navy pilot plumes, feathers mounted on small pieces of cork that floated to see which way the wind Embroidery Kind executed in relief and strongly stuffed Broder in satin de Botanical Who is composed of slender parts and lined with hair similar to feather barbs In terms of Mineralogy, he said some very loose crystals arranged like a feather feathery crystals Box where schoolchildren put pens, pen, pencils, etc The original and primitive paper on which is written summaries of judgments and sentences that give the hearing and deliberations of a company plumitif write to the To bring the docket Docket Clerk Hold the docket, be instructed to take note of the deliberations of a company plumitif says jokingly d an office Man, a clerk Part of Botany germ that is intended to form the stem and which is thus named because it usually looks like a small pen The radicle and plumule The majority, as many It is always preceded by the article The Most men Most things This is the opinion of the Most judges I talked to most of them Most of the world claims to Most people do not reflect on Most of his friends forsook Most troops disbanded Most members of the Assembly were present at I saw most curious women of this show Most of my books are connected in sorrow When Most will say absolutely, he always wants the verb in the plural, whatever the number of the noun to which it relates The Senate was divided, most wanted The Assembly members discussed long The part advised MOST and sometimes employs absolutely no relation to any name above and then it means the largest number of men and it is masculine plural Most write this name so Most are convinced that happiness is in wealth read err FOR MOST loc As for most of The people of that country are mostly indolent My furniture are mostly old It s' sometimes employed absolutely, without the preposition to Men are most interested These gold coins out most false MOSTLY loc Most often, most commonly Most of the time he agrees with me Which contains several units plural Way system which, in a constituency or a meeting of shareholders, several voices attributed to certain voters Large number , multiplicity The system of the plurality of worlds Plurality profits, Possession several benefits by the same person The plurality of souls charge to earnings is condemned by the canons MULTIPLE also means greater amount, more Majority of votes Decide something to the plurality of voices It means, absolutely, the largest number of votes, votes Having the plurality The plurality is doubtful Absolute Plurality , She who form more than half of all votes Plurality relative, one that only forms of superiority in the number of votes obtains a relatively competitor to other competitors In both senses rather we say today Majority Grammar term that is used to mark that these are several persons or several things it is opposed to Singular noun, plural adjective Termination plural PLURAL is also masculine name ; then it means plural number How does that name in the plural? Put a plural word This verb is in the first, the second, in the third person plural indicative In French, the S is the usual sign of plural nouns Plural Pluriel female It is sometimes said of a word that is plural Poetry willingly uses the plural instead of singular Grammar indicative or subjunctive time that marks a Share previously passed another time served Put a verb at the perfect Loving done more- than-perfect indicative: I loved Coming fact I came Increasing the value of a thing These securities have a certain added value You have to pay both the capital gain Capital gains taxes, surplus in performance Taxes from the forecast Compare Many who opposed Less and serves to mark the superiority of a person or thing compared to anothe"
Suggested : a joint of a finger, especially one of the articulations of a metacarpal with a phalanx
Exampleअंगुली के पोर से दबाना या मारना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of angulee ke por se dabana ya marana,anguli ke por se dabana ya marana

Word of the day
angulee ke por se dabana ya marana,anguli ke por se dabana ya marana can be used as verb.. No of characters: 31 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : a.ngulii ke pora se dabaanaa yaa maaranaa

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