Meaning of anurupata in english

Interpreting anurupata - अनुरुपता
As noun : analogy Ex:  Chimpanzee and human being have analogy between them.
harmony Ex:  the interaction of yin and yang maintains the harmony of the universe parity Ex:  the parity of the mother must be considered democracy Ex:  India is a democracy in the country. kinship Ex:  Meccans held that a kind of kinship existed between Allah and the jinn. symmetry Ex:  Tests of CPT symmetry cannot be performed directly on quarks and antiquarks resemblance Ex:  There is no close resemblance between those twins. comparison Ex:  There is no comparison between these two books. correspondence Ex:  cull out the interesting letters from the poets correspondence agreement Ex:  This action flies in the face of the agreement equality Ex:  Indians beleive in liberty, equality and fraternity. likeness Ex:  The likeness of her voice with that of her mother often confuses the caller on phone. equivalence Ex:  The Hindu religion gives moral equivalence to the suffering of animals and human beings. reminiscence parallel Ex:  Heidegger believes that this is a parallel to the belief in God similarity Ex:  Within vertebrates, the similarity of insulins is extremely close. sameness Ex:  Genetically sameness would be shared by the twins. balance Ex:  Our accountant has not yet found the balance of our companys annual account. semblance Ex:  There is no close resemblance between those twins. resemblance Ex:  There is no close resemblance between those twins. approximation Ex:  Could they have discovered the approximation for the changes in the sides? adequacy Ex:  The adequacy of our emergency supplies is being questioned. applicability suitability Ex:  an important requirement is suitability for long trips rightness appropriateness Ex:  The appropriateness of his statement can not be questioned. advisability Ex:  they questioned the advisability of our policy worthwhileness aptness suitableness consistency Ex:  work in the butter and the dough will get the right consistency
Suggested : the correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a plane, line , or point regularity of form or arrangement in terms of like, reciprocal, or corresponding parts government by the people a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system equality, as in amount, status, or character agreement accord harmonious relations a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based
Exampleअनुरुपता का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of anurupata

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anurupata can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : anurupataa

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