Meaning of asaman roop se,asaman rup se in english

Interpreting asaman roop se,asaman rup se - असमान रूप से
As noun : unequally
As adverb :
unevenly Ex:  He walks unevenly as he is flat footed.
Other : awry Ex:  He also said, in terms of printing, words which go awry and particularly the ends of which lines up or down
Suggested : with a turn or twist to one side askew not equal not of the same quantity, quality, value, rank, ability, etc not level or flat rough rugged
Exampleअसमान रूप से का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of asaman roop se,asaman rup se

Word of the day
asaman roop se,asaman rup se can be used as noun, verb or adverb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : asamaana ruupa se

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