Meaning of avaidh roop se bas jana,avaidh rup se bas jana in english

Interpreting avaidh roop se bas jana,avaidh rup se bas jana - अवैध रूप से बस जाना
As verb :
squat Ex:  It has a squat and thick build
Suggested : to sit in a low or crouching position with the legs drawn up closely beneath or in front of the body sit on one's haunches or heels
Exampleअवैध रूप से बस जाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of avaidh roop se bas jana,avaidh rup se bas jana

Word of the day
avaidh roop se bas jana,avaidh rup se bas jana can be used as verb.. No of characters: 19 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : avaidha ruupa se basa jaanaa

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