Meaning of atmasamarpan karna in english

Interpreting atmasamarpan karna - आत्मसमर्पण करना
As noun : knuckle under
As verb :
capitulate Ex:  I won't capitulate in this argument . yield up surrender Ex:  1945. Canadian troops that surrounded the city entered it after that surrender cede Ex:  Burma had to cede Assam, Manipur, Rakhine and Tanintharyi .
Other : abandon oneself to lay arms to surrender to surrender Ex:  When called on by Phips to surrender abandon Ex:  felt a joyous abandon
Suggested : to leave completely and finally forsake utterly desert to yield (something) to the possession or power of another deliver up possession of on demand or under duress a joint of a finger, especially one of the articulations of a metacarpal with a phalanx to surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms
Exampleआत्मसमर्पण करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of atmasamarpan karna Antonyms of atmasamarpan karna

Word of the day
atmasamarpan karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 15 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : aatmasamarpaNa karanaa

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