Meaning of brihattar in english

Interpreting brihattar - बृहत्तर
As adjective : greater Ex:  At frequencies greater than 200 GHz उ:   शब्दकल्पद्रुम की अपेक्षा संस्कृत कोश का यह एक बृहत्तर संस्करण है।
Other :
larger Ex:  Examples include larger rimfire rounds such as the . उ:   बृहत्तर हिमालय का भूभाग हिमाच्छादित रहता है। bigger Ex:  Therefore, they have bigger ears. उ:   बृहत्तर प्रतिज्ञाबद्धताएँ व्यक्ति एवं समाज दोनों के ही ऊपर हैं।
Suggested : unusually or comparatively large in size or dimensions
Exampleबृहत्तर का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of brihattar

Word of the day
brihattar can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : bRRihattara

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