Meaning of badha chadha kar batana in english

Interpreting badha chadha kar batana - बढ़ा चढ़ा कर बताना
As noun : build up
As verb :
inflate Ex:  The balloon inflates, inflate magnify Ex:  We say the same Make a state crime, Exaggerate unfairly magnify a slight fault play up
Suggested : a dramatic composition or piece drama to increase the apparent size of, as a lens does a building up, as of military forces increase in amount or number to distend swell or puff out dilate
Exampleबढ़ा चढ़ा कर बताना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of badha chadha kar batana Antonyms of badha chadha kar batana

Word of the day
badha chadha kar batana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 18 including consonants matras. Transliteration : ba.Dhaa cha.Dhaa kara bataanaa

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