Meaning of badanam karna in english

Interpreting badanam karna - बदनाम करना
As noun : shame Ex:  Record of infamy, Designate the opinion of an infamous manner, shame
soil Ex:  Sugar-cane quickly exhausts the soil in which it grows
As verb : malign denigrate Ex:  Rely on it to denigrate you traduce vilify smear explode discredit
Other : befoul to defame scandalize to vilify disrepute, bring into infamize attaint cast an aspersion asperse to malign to libel to denounce defame to scandalize to scandalise denounce to reproach Ex:  I have nothing to reproach myself on that to stain decry tarnish libel spatter reproach Ex:  I have nothing to reproach myself on that stain Ex:  paint or stain in red shame!
Suggested : to expand with force and noise because of rapid chemical change or decomposition, as gunpowder or nitroglycerine (opposed to implode ) the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc, done by oneself or another to speak ill of defame slander to speak damagingly of criticize in a derogatory manner sully defame to speak harmful untruths about speak evil of slander defame
Exampleबदनाम करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of badanam karna Antonyms of badanam karna

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Usage of बदनाम करना:
1. पठानकोट हमला: JIT ने कहा, पाकिस्तान को बदनाम करना चाहता है भारतlivehindustan.com2. पठानकोट हमला: JIT ने कहा, पाकिस्तान को बदनाम करना चाहता है भारतlivehindustan.com3. टीचर की पर्सनल आईडी भी हैक करने की कोशिश फोटोज क्लिक करने से पता चला आरोपियों के बारे में तीन फेक आईडी बना 8 छात्रों ने स्कूल टीचर की अश्लील फोटो फेसबुक पर डाली, पर्चा एकप्राइवेट स्कूल से पास आउट हुए आठ स्टूडेंट्स ने अन्य तीन टीचर्स के नाम से फेसबुक पर फेक आईडी बनाकर स्कूल टीचर को बदनाम करना शुरू कर दिया
badanam karna can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. Transliteration : badanaama karanaa

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