Meaning of bahut bada vyaparee,bahut bada vyapari in english

Interpreting bahut bada vyaparee,bahut bada vyapari - बहुत बड़ा व्यापारी
Other :
king Ex:  For instance, in the hand A-A-A-K-Q, the king and queen are kickers.
Suggested : a male sovereign or monarch a man who holds by life tenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people
Exampleबहुत बड़ा व्यापारी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
bahut bada vyaparee,bahut bada vyapari . No of characters: 18 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bahuta baDaa vyaapaarii

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