Meaning of bakabak karna in english

Interpreting bakabak karna - बकबक करना
As noun : yack away
yap away yack jaw Ex:  its upper jaw is lined with corneas and fibrous blades called Barbes or Fanons yak
Other : to clatter to prate twattle to gab to chatter blatter to chat to talk Ex:  Navratilova refused to talk about it. jabber chat gab clatter talk Ex:  Navratilova refused to talk about it.
Suggested : a large, stocky, shaggy-haired wild ox, Bos grunniens, of the Tibetan highlands, having long, curved horns either of two bones, the mandible or maxilla, forming the framework of the mouth to converse informally chat to talk rapidly in a foolish or purposeless way jabber to talk excessively and pointlessly babble
Exampleबकबक करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bakabak karna Antonyms of bakabak karna

Word of the day
bakabak karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bakabaka karanaa

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