Meaning of beech beech men hone vala,bich bich men hone vala in english

Interpreting beech beech men hone vala,bich bich men hone vala - बीच बीच में होने वाला
As adjective :
intermittent Ex:  The Tijuana River is an intermittent river
Suggested : stopping or ceasing for a time alternately ceasing and beginning again
Exampleबीच बीच में होने वाला का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of beech beech men hone vala,bich bich men hone vala Antonyms of beech beech men hone vala,bich bich men hone vala

Word of the day
beech beech men hone vala,bich bich men hone vala can be used as adjective.. No of characters: 21 including consonants matras. Transliteration : biicha biicha me.n hone vaalaa

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