Meaning of (बंधनमुक्त) bandhanamukt in english

As noun : emancipated Ex:  It is extremely emancipated in this occasion उ:   इंद्रियों के अभ्यास से चित्त बंधनमुक्त हो जाता है।
unshackled unconfined unchained
As adjective : unfettered unimprisoned
Suggested : to release from fetters a series of objects connected one after the other, usually in the form of a series of metal rings passing through one another, used either for various purposes requiring a flexible tie with high tensile strength, as for hauling, supporting, or confining, or in various ornamental and decorative forms limited or restricted to free from shackles unfetter not constrained or restricted by custom, tradition, superstition, etc
Exampleबंधनमुक्त का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of बंधनमुक्त:
1. पीड़ित परिवार ने प्रधानमंत्री को पत्र लिखकर परिजनों को बंधनमुक्त करने की मांग की है jagran.com2. सिर्फ कानून महिलाओं को बंधनमुक्त नहीं बना सकता: प्रणब मुखर्जी LiveHindustan
(बंधनमुक्त) bandhanamukt can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : ba.ndhanamukta

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