Meaning of (बर) bar in english

As noun : burr
Other :
strength Ex:  The Ethiopian army's strength was therefore mainly numerical उ:   यहाँ बर वनवासी जातियों की अधिकता है। best Ex:  The best known theatres include the Gaiety उ:   तोरि डारौं बर अवलोकि रघुबर को। carrying Ex:  He was a carrying a quarterstaff. उ:   दोबारा दिल्ली के तख़्त बर बैठने के बाद हुमायूं एक साल तक ज़िन्दा रहा। on Ex:  The birds chirped on the branches of the tree. उ:   अन्य पेड़ों में बर ओक, ब्लैक हिल्स स्प्रुस और कॉटनवुड शामिल हैं। above Ex:  One of the best viewpoints is located at Grandview Terrace, above the Museum. उ:   बर अकसर सहमति पूरी तरह या आंशिक रूप से मजबूर किया जा सकता है। in Ex:  She was in the travails of woes. उ:   इसके बाद भी कई बर इसके क्षेत्र का विस्तार किया गया। with Ex:  They opened the gifts with whoops of excitement. forth Ex:  Barbados has brought forth several great cricket players away Ex:  Sam planed away the bumps . based upon Ex:  , based upon experience. on account of Ex:  I received such a sum on account of what he owes me maintained (in good form bridegroom power Ex:  The Reformation also damaged the Holy Roman Empire's power foremost Ex:  First and foremost everything taking away Ex:  blunting something by taking away its advanced upon Ex:  , based upon experience. at Ex:  The passengers disembarked at Southampton. into Ex:  Cricket fans surged into the stadium. back Ex:  1248, as Rumi and Shams were talking, Shams was called to the back door. against Ex:  Bomb-shells are thudding the front.
Bullets were thudding against the wall.
according to Ex:  But according to the other latest sources from U.S. Department of State effective (as before on the other hand Ex:  The German scholar Martin Noth: But on the other hand beyond Ex:  A dedicated mission beyond the heliosphere has been suggested. son Ex:  He was the first son after three daughters. coercive Ex:  coercive power exerting pressure forcibly borough mongers
Suggested : (used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits) in, at, or to a higher place so as to be or remain supported by or suspended from of the highest quality, excellence, or standing the quality or state of being strong bodily or muscular power vigor
Exampleबर का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of बर:
1. रायगढ़ | लाइवलीहुड कॉलेज रायगढ़ में मुख्यमंत्री कौशल विकास योजना अंतर्गत कौशल प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम जेसी.बी. रिपेयरिंग, प्ल बर एवं वेल्डर के लिए आवेदन मंगाए गए हैं
(बर) bar can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 2 including consonants. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit and/or Hindi language by locals . Transliteration : bara
Shishupal singh 29 May, 2024 Good

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