Meaning of bhashan dena in english

Interpreting bhashan dena - भाषण देना
As noun : deliver Ex:  Socrates said he was the office of a midwife, he did deliver the spirits
spiel discourse Ex:  This character is painted every feature in this discourse
As verb : philosophize philosophise address Ex:  It did not address the national tensions
Other : speak Ex:  The Bahá'í teachings speak of both a "Greater Covenant"
Suggested : a speech or written statement, usually formal, directed to a particular group of persons communication of thought by words talk conversation to speculate or theorize, usually in a superficial or imprecise manner a usually high-flown talk or speech, especially for the purpose of luring people to a movie, a sale, etc pitch to carry and turn over (letters, goods, etc) to the intended recipient or recipients
Exampleभाषण देना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of bhashan dena Antonyms of bhashan dena

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Usage of भाषण देना:
1. 15 अगस्त को लाल किले पर जनता के लिखे भाषण देना चाहते हैं मोदी ibnlive.com2. कन्हैया पर निशाना साधते हुए जेटली ने कहा कि विजय इस मायने में कि जो लोग देश के टुकड़े-टुकड़े का नारा लगाते हुए जेल गए, जेल से बाहर आए तो उन्हें जय हिन्द और तिरंगे के साथ भाषण देना पड़ा
bhashan dena can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : bhaaShaNa denaa

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