Meaning of chadhana in english

Interpreting chadhana - चढ़ना
As verb : shin Ex:  After a successful operation to remove parts of his affected shin bone
climb Ex:  Parrots like to climb board Ex:  The board decided not to take the company public . go up Ex:  Go, go up
Other : to charge Ex:  It will not be fair to charge the whole amount of Rs . to be in a tide to be on the increase to go up Ex:  It says yet a coast, a staircase, the slope is difficult to go up and down to launch an attack to be in spate to increase Ex:  If clock frequencies continue to increase to ascend to be ascendant to climb Ex:  The Falconry first birds that attaches the heron in its flight, or thrown only after the heron to climb to the to rise Ex:  Global literacy rates continued to rise to mount Ex:  MOUNT, in terms of the Arts, says the Action to mount an object, a tool, a jewel, and designates the work of the workman who mounted to ride Ex:  "They may be the first rock group to ride in on a video wave". to be offered (to a deity etc to be recorded to take possession of (as by an evil spirit to be placed on fire for cooking to be covered by something to overpower to trample down transcend Ex:  Character of That Is transcend this; marked superiority prominent, of a person or thing Reviews Reviews another to soar
Suggested : to rise above or go beyond overpass exceed to move or proceed, especially to or from something a piece of wood sawed thin, and of considerable length and breadth compared with the thickness to go up or ascend, especially by using the hands and feet or feet only the front part of the leg from the knee to the ankle
Exampleचढ़ना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chadhana Antonyms of chadhana

Word of the day
chadhana can be used as verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. Transliteration : cha.Dhanaa

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