Meaning of (छलांग) chhalang in english

As noun : leap Ex:  de He said the Joint Year three hundred sixty-five days or leap of three hundred sixty-six and the correction which introduced leap years, according to the Julius Caesar calendar
bounce उ:   दौड़ते-दौड़ते एक कुँए के पास आई और छलांग लगाने को उद्यत हुई। spring Ex:  The spring 1976 half of the tour was documented by a TV concert special bound Ex:  The loosely bound molecule is to the left of this and is also coloured red. jump Ex:  , Reversing better jump Avoiding a disadvantage, a present danger, incurring a disadvantage, a greater danger
Other : volt plunge
Suggested : to spring clear of the ground or other support by a sudden muscular effort leap simple past tense and past participle of bind to rise, leap, move, or act suddenly and swiftly, as by a sudden dart or thrust forward or outward, or being suddenly released from a coiled or constrained position to spring back from a surface in a lively manner to spring through the air from one point or position to another jump
Exampleछलांग का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

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Usage of छलांग:
1. जूनियर वर्ल्ड कप हॉकी: कंगारुओं की छलांग रोक भारत फाइनल मेंlivehindustan.com2. भारत ने आजादी के बाद राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग निर्माण क्षेत्र में पांच गुना की जबर्दस्त छलांग लगाई हैlivehindustan.com3. टीम इंडिया के ऑफ स्पिनर रविचंद्रन अश्विन ने टेस्ट गेंदबाजों की रैंकिंग में दो पायदान की छलांग लगाई है और नंबर एक गेंदबाज बन गए हैं
(छलांग) chhalang can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : Chalaa.nga

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