Meaning of (छुड़ाई) chhudaee,chhudai in english

Other : liberation Ex:  In Latin America, the 1960s saw the emergence of liberation theology.
dismissal Ex:  With all other modes of dismissal ransom Ex:  The Inca fulfilled this ransom but Pizarro deceived them setting free discharging Ex:  In discharging their duties discharge Ex:  He must discharge his anger, he spends his anger on someone rescue Ex:  Brand teamed up in his rescue activities with Rudolf Kastner releasing Ex:  A typical way for humans to hunt down Kakapo is by releasing trained dogs. rescuing Ex:  Successively Cattle rescuing was done by war opposed team.
Suggested : to free or deliver from confinement, violence, danger, or evil to relieve of a charge or load unload the redemption of a prisoner, slave, or kidnapped person, of captured goods, etc, for a price an act or instance of dismissing
Exampleछुड़ाई का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

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Usage of छुड़ाई:
1. शराब छोड़ना मुश्किल, मगर संभव साइकेट्रिकडॉ. विवेक विशाल बताते हैं कि शराब की लत तुरंत नहीं छुड़ाई जा सकती है bhaskar.com2. बुल्डोजर चलाकर एक करोड़ की जमीन छुड़ाई LiveHindustan3. गुड़गांव: कॉलेज के बाहर से अपह्रत छात्रा छुड़ाई गई LiveHindustan
(छुड़ाई) chhudaee,chhudai and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : ChuDaaii

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