Meaning of dvaidh in english

Interpreting dvaidh - द्वैध
As noun : diversity Ex:  Due to its historical and geographical diversity उ:   द्वैध शासन का अर्थ है दोहरी नीति अथवा दोहरा शासन।
distinction Ex:  He served with distinction in the Royal Air Force at RAF Pembrey उ:   ' द्वैध शासन से कृषि व्यवस्था को भी आघात लगा। dual Ex:  Sociobiologists have argued for a dual inheritance theory उ:   द्वैध शासन असफल रहा जिसके कई कारण थे। variance उ:   यह द्वैध शासन १७६५-७२ ई. तक रहा। duplication Ex:  Physical duplication technologies such as printing उ:   प्रांतों में द्वैध शासन पूरी तरह विफल रहा। duplicity उ:   शीघ्र ही द्वैध शासन प्रणाली के दुष्परिणाम सामने आने लगे।
Suggested : an act or instance of duplicating the state, quality, or fact of being variable, divergent, different, or anomalous of, pertaining to, or noting two a marking off or distinguishing as different the state or fact of being diverse difference unlikeness
Exampleद्वैध का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of dvaidh Antonyms of dvaidh

Word of the day
dvaidh can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : dvaidha

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