Meaning of (ईंचना) eeंchana in english

As noun : stretch Ex:  Most of the river's longer tributaries stretch away from this edge
strain Ex:  Don't strain after the note . drag Ex:  Since there is no vertical drag hinge twitch Ex:  While this method of training targeted his fast and slow twitch muscles construct Ex:  Oliver Evans began to construct higher pressure non-condensing steam engines scratch Ex:  He gouged out a horrible scratch . bring Ex:  the stories were of a dullness to bring a buffalo to its knees tug Ex:  The crowd gave a tug and there was stampede. circumscribe Ex:  Action to circumscribe fish out Ex:  be like fish in water; be like fish out of water describe Ex:  In others, it can be a loosely used term to describe a skilled carpenter. pick at arrest Ex:  The lead led to the arrest of the criminal. pick Ex:  They will pick holes in your argument .
As verb : extract Ex:  "a way to extract and make great quantityes of pitch pull Ex:  I'll pull the shades so that we won't be on view . draw Ex:  India managed to draw the Test series in South Africa at 1–1. On 2 April 2011 pluck Ex:  Action pluck

Word of the day
(ईंचना) eeंchana Transliteration : iiंchanaa

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