antah example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest अंतः antah news and headlines :
1. शतक से करें तेंदुलकर अपने करियर का अंतः गावस्कर LiveHindustan2. बिहार में जुल्मी शसन का शीघ्र होगा अंतः रामकृपाल LiveHindustanUsage and Example of antah 1. पटना से करीब 92 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर और अंतः सलिला फल्गु के किनारे बसे गया का धर्म और इतिहास के पर्वों पर बड़ा ही नाम है। 1. (French Forces of the Interior) Name given in February 1944, to all the forces of the French interior resistance 2. 100 of the entire population of the interior Spain 3. -1739), the church of Berg am Laim (1738-1742) and other smaller churches, allows the architect to create the illusion of perspective due to the narrowing of the interior tension directed the choir and high altar 4. -1739), the church of Berg am Laim (1738-1742) and other smaller churches, allows the architect to create the illusion of perspective due to the narrowing of the interior tension directed the choir and high altar 5. 3), while the disintegration tends to easily spread into the interior of the granite mass, because of the granular structure and, at the same time, the presence of a jointing system (picture 2)

Given are the examples of hindi word antah usage in english sentences. The examples of antah are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., interior, inner.

Pilots, sailors, sculptors, painters, architects, interior decorators, and surgeons are likely to have highly developed spatial intelligence.

provides helicopter services to Oil and Natural Gas Commission in its off- shore operations, to inaccessible areas and difficult terrains like the north-eastern states and the interior parts of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal.
There is vast potential of tourism development in the north-eastern states and the interior parts of Himalayas, but due to strategic reasons these have not been encouraged so far.
Geothermal energy refers to the heat and electricity produced by using the heat from the interior of the Earth.
The forces which act in the interior of the earth are called as Endogenic forces and the forces that work on the surface of the earth are called as Exogenic forces.
We can also get energy from the nuclei of atoms, the interior of the earth, and the tides.
The interior was relatively plain, but the outer walls of many temples were decorated with paintings, ornamental tiles or terracotta tablets.
The basic source of all minerals is the hot magma in the interior of the earth.
As igneous rocks form out of magma and lava from the interior of the earth, they are known as primary rocks.
The crustal rocks (igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary) once formed may be carried down into the mantle (interior of the earth) through subduction process (parts or whole of crustal plates going down under another plate in zones of plate convergence) and the same melt down due to increase in temperature in the interior and turn into molten magma, the original source for igneous rocks.
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