antashayyaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. "We are Coming in this accentuation of the baptismal water mortuary a fourth imaginary sense of the symbolism of water 2. - Lastly, consistency should be considered as a fourth major concern because countries are continuously subjected to the judgments easily reversible markets 3. " After his academic misadventure, Greuze concern was to regain public favor by all sorts of tricks 4. "Theorist, Théodore Dézamy was also a prominent man of action, and his writings express the constant concern to link the development of doctrine and practice requirements 5. "Thus considered, the similarity has nothing to do with concern for the naturalist made; rather than reproduce reality, it is to achieve the sensation that in may have, to make real the vision that one has

Given are the examples of hindi word antashayyaa usage in english sentences. The examples of antashayyaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., mortuary, concern, anxiety, worry, solicitude, solicitousness, angst, soreness, preoccupation, care, jump, interest.

Any discrepancies between actual and realised activities are then taken care of at the stage of controlling.

ndividuals who are categorised as having mental retardation show significant variation in their abilities, ranging from those who can be taught to work and function with special attention, to those who cannot be trained and require institutional care throughout their lives.
ndividuals with profound and severe retardation are incapable of managing life and need constant care for their entire lives.
Social competence (respect for social order, commitment to elders, the young and the needy, concern about others, recognising others perspectives).
But the basic questions of the study of macroeconomics would remain the same and you will find that these are actually the broad economic questions that concern all citizens Will the prices as a whole rise or come down? Is the employment condition of the country as a whole, or of some sectors of the economy, getting better or is it worsening? What would be reasonable indicators to show that the economy is better or worse? What steps, if any, can the State take, or the people ask for, in order to improve the state of the economy? These are the kind of questions that make us think about the health of the country s economy as a whole.
In a developing country like India such choices have to be made to remove or reduce unemployment, to improve access to education and primary health care for all, to provide for good administration, to provide sufficiently for the defence of the country and so on.
The state built numerous rest-houses to take care of the needs of people from all over the world who came to the city.
For example, a boss may instruct his subordinate, Take care of our guest .
Boss may mean that subordinate should take care of transport, food, accommodation of the guest until he leaves the place.
These deeper issues are a matter of concern for those who believe in democracy.
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