akalpit example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of akalpit 1. अकल्पित/ अपरिचित ओर-छोर को। 1. These derive from the flute hitherto unimagined possibilities (typing fingers on the keys without sending breath causing brief and precise sound, appearance of double sounds in one breath) 2. - For the Francophonie (Francophonie or) take real body, it was necessary that political acts manifest the collective will of the French-speaking countries to participate in the same "community of hope and destiny" (L 3. - he voted with the Third in 1789 - in a real crown for the head of his house 4. ! And in a not so arid life "a flower", nothing? This is the real (FLAUB 5. "A idealism:" Nothing is real to me, without being also ideational

Given are the examples of hindi word akalpit usage in english sentences. The examples of akalpit are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., unimagined, real, undreamt of, undreamed of, undreamed, undreamt, unsuspected.

Observation involves employing systematic, organised, and objective procedures to record behavioural phenomena occurring naturally in real time.

We are able to afford this simplification and thus usefully abstain from studying what happens to the many real commodities that actually are bought and sold in the market because we generally see that what happens to the prices, interests, wages and profits etc.
This chapter provides case histories how some consumers were exploited in a real life situation and how legal institutions helped consumers in getting compensated and in upholding their rights as consumers.
For example, a worried person cannot communicate properly and an angry receiver cannot understand the real meaning of message.
How do we deal with this real life situation? One way is to try and improve the knowledge and character of political leaders.
We noted above that in a democratic election people should have a real choice.
Yet the picture looks different if we ask deeper questions: Are people s preferences based on real knowledge? Are the voters getting a real choice? Is election really level playing field for everyone? Can an ordinary citizen hope to win elections? Questions of this kind bring the many limitations and challenges of Indian elections to our attention.
Then in the seventh grade he got a hint of what real science is when he entered a county science fair and lost.
He realised the winners had tried to do real experiments, not simply make a neat display.
I knew that for the next year s fair I would have to do a real experiment, he said.
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