akrripa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of akrripa 1. क्यों मुझ पर उनकी यह अकृपा है, कह नहीं सकती; पर इतना जानती हूँ कि वह अगर इस बात से नाराज होती हैं, तो हमारे ही भले के लिए। 2. उसकी अकृपा भला आप पर क्यों होगी। 1. Langlois is not always equal to himself, under the pseudonym Edgar Sanday , published an important study on the historic disgrace of Turgot 2. Spelling With a caret is on, as well as disgrace 3. Throughout his life, he defended liberal ideas that earned him exile, prison, disgrace 4. Thus isolated and arousing against it the rejection reaction he had wanted to use against the other, the National Front knows disgrace even faster than grace 5. Verginius, the father of the bride, preferred to kill his daughter rather than engage in disgrace and called on the support of its brothers in weapons (linked to him by the military oath)
संबंधित शब्द अकृपा के पर्यायवाची