akshadarshaka example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 82-86), properly "house of the bishop 2. According to the Chapter Carolingian, tithes belong to the bishop in three and often four shares, one for him, one for the clergy, one for maintenance of places of worship, one for the poor 3. Benedict, Ethelwold (or Æthelweald) was chosen as bishop by King Edgar and consecrated by St 4. But the bishop of Lyon was the only time in Gaul 5. Demand for Bormann and Himmler to "hang the bishop or at least send him to a concentration camp" will not on, believing Hitler with Goebbels, it would result in the "loss" of the Catholic Westphalia

Given are the examples of hindi word akshadarshaka usage in english sentences. The examples of akshadarshaka are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., bishop, priest, pontiff, judge, jp, sheriff, justice of the peace, bench, justice.

He defined intelligence as the ability to judge well, understand well, and reason well.

Ratios help comparisons with certain bench marks to assess as to whether firm, performance is better or otherwise.
We would climb a bench or the parapet and peep into the basket, somehow.
In Bankim's room, however, a group of literary friends would collect to read, discuss and judge literary works.
He converts to Christianity, obtains modern education, and returns as the judge in the local court.
At the conclusion of the trial, the judge reveals his true identity, and the Nambuthiri repents and reforms his ways.
“Three months prison on Blackwell's Island,” said the judge to Soapy next morning.
The prosecutor requested the judge to postpone the trial.
When the court reconvened, the judge said he would not deliver the judgment for several days.
There was a wooden bench beneath a solitary elm where lovers sometimes came.
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