agyaan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
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1. In these texts dictated to a Spanish monk appear pride and pomposity of the character that had matched only by his ignorance 2. In this, think Grassi, he suffered his ignorance of the authentic Italian humanism (which must not only identify the Florentine Neo-Platonism) and also the prejudice that led him to exclusively focus on Greek and German sources 3. inconsiderate action, contrary to common sense, reflection and due to ignorance or thoughtlessness 4. It is useful to state them because their ignorance may cause misunderstanding of the terms of a development strategy 5. share of partial ignorance

Given are the examples of hindi word agyaan usage in english sentences. The examples of agyaan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., ignorance.

Suri Nambuthiri, desperate to find a partner for himself, finally marries a poorer relation from the same family and goes away pretending that he has married Indulekha! Chandu Menon clearly wanted his readers to appreciate the new values of his hero and heroine and criticise the ignorance and immorality of Suri Nambuthiri.

It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity.
[here] only a decade ago they were as illiterate, helpless and hungry as our own masses … Who could be more astonished than an unfortunate Indian like myself to see how they had removed the mountain of ignorance and helplessness in these few years'.
If you talk to people around, you will see that they have vague ideas about psychological disorders that are characterised by superstition, ignorance and fear.
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