ateva example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 100 of assets, it is in marked regression, whereas the contrary develop tertiary activities (universities, research centers, banks) 2. According to the ancient Greek mathematicians, analysis operates regressively from effects to causes or principles, whereas the synthesis operates gradually causes to effects 3. Amylose is responsible for gelling, whereas amylopectin contribute to forming the dough cohesive 4. But whereas under the 1972 Act he could that using government services in the region, he now free to create his own administration 5. Castilian is especially evidenced by epic texts (the Poema de mío Cid, composed in the mid-twelfth century, is known only through a manuscript in 1307), whereas in Aragon and Leone were composed several law reports ( fueros)
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