aparivartanasheel example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of aparivartanasheel 1. तो फिर यह शरीर अजर,अमर अपरिवर्तनशील आत्मा कैसे हो। 2. अपरिवर्तनशील सुन्दरता क्या दे पायेगी? 3. किन्तु वास्तव में वह सर्वदा अपरिवर्तनशील और नित्य ही है। 4. इसके बाद स्पेस और टाइम किसी घटना के लिए स्थिर बैकग्राउंड जैसे अपरिवर्तनशील और निरपेक्ष नहीं रह गए। 5. उस पर ही रहे जो अपरिवर्तनशील है। 1. at constant volume, to one mole, is constant and equal to 3R / 2 2. At this constant one can find several origins 3. be, act in good faith If there rather conspiracy and danger, I can do open the eyes of men of good faith (CHATEAUBR By a singular coincidence, this lady spent her life to have migraine, and as pronounced his name Mal-head, I believed in good faith that it was a nickname that was given to him because of his illness and his constant complaints 4. Became Chief Minister in 1961, however, Gairy was the subject of constant accusations of embezzlement of public funds, payments jars of wine and clientelism 5. Between 1815 and 1914 the French budget has increased fivefold, while the general price level remained almost constant

Given are the examples of hindi word aparivartanasheel usage in english sentences. The examples of aparivartanasheel are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., constant, uniform, unchanging, level, unchangeable, unvarying.

Managers at the top level spend more time in planning and organising than managers at lower levels of the organisation.

These vary from financial needs such as competitive salaries and perks, social needs such as peer recognition and higher level needs such as personal growth and development.
These top level managers are responsible for the welfare and survival of the organisation.
Middle Management: is the link between top and lower level managers.
Supervisory or Operational Management: Foremen and supervisors comprise the lower level in the hierarchy of the organisation.
Top level managers need to coordinate with their subordinates to ensure that the overall policies for the organisation are duly carried out.
Middle level management coordinates with both the top level and first line managers.
Operational level management coordinates the activities of its workers to ensure that work proceeds according to plans.
Arthur Jensen proposed a hierarchical model of intelligence consisting of abilities operating at two levels, called Level and Level .
An optimal level of arousal focuses our attention to the relevant aspects of a problem.
संबंधित शब्द अपरिवर्तनशील के पर्यायवाची अपरिवर्तनशील के विपरीत शब्द