apraaptavay example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 100 of the company's activities (converted in 1850 in the wood industry and its derivatives and growing), has only minor importance in 1913: less than 4 percent 2. 1584) Born in Rouen in a family of minor nobility, Nicolas Godson is a man of the theater 3. A Dominican, target of the Inquisition Born in Hochheim, in Thuringia, in a family of minor nobility, Eckhart came in about 1275, the Dominicans of Erfurt and was sent as a student in Cologne 4. Aside from minor vicissitudes, this system ensured monetary stability in France until 1914 5. Besides poems of minor interest, Figueroa published in 1609 The Amarilis Constant, pastoral novel keys

Given are the examples of hindi word apraaptavay usage in english sentences. The examples of apraaptavay are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., minor.

With a long coastline of 7,51 6 km, India is dotted with 12 major and 181 medium and minor ports.

The Chipko movement's memorandum of demands included six principles: (a) only specific trees and vegetation suitable for a particular geographical region should be grown, (b) forests in landslide and soil erosion zones need to be identified and renewed, (c) those who have been customarily living near the forests and depending on them for survival should be given the right to do so, (d) the contractor system for commercial timber exploitation should be abolished, (e) trees used by the villagers must be planted near the villages, and (f) village cottage industries based on minor forest products should be set up to provide jobs to locals for checking migration from villages.
'Eustress' is the term used to describe the level of stress that is good for you and is one of a person's best assets for achieving peak performance and managing minor crisis.
According to this theory, the crust (upper part) of the earth has been formed out of seven major and some minor plates.
'Just like a civil servant! As if we are facing here a minor breakdown of law and order,' he thought to himself.
Some minor products are also possible which you can think over.
On the other hand, although their inexperience and lack of selfsufficiency make them easily upset by problems that seem minor to an adult, children typically bounce back more quickly.
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