apraayik example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. But precisely this accumulated marvels eventually form a coherent; they derive a bias that makes the magic in a way standard; they are there out of obligation, to illustrate the law of any unusual universe 2. Crisscrossed by logging roads, inside the Gaspésie presents a landscape of forest plateaus where the presence of the mining town of Murdochville seems unusual 3. Demonstrating an unusual enough realism in the province, it is necessary gradually as head of the Unionist Party which groups the moderate Protestants 4. Fowles done here demonstrate a creative imagination unusual 5. He often uses many colors not for brilliant effects but, rather, to muffle his compositions and wrap them in an unusual atmosphere

Given are the examples of hindi word apraayik usage in english sentences. The examples of apraayik are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., unusual.

These tests measure general creative thinking abilities like ability to think of a variety of ideas on a given topic/ situation, alternative ways of looking at things, problems or situations, to guess causes and consequences, to think of unusual ideas to improve and to use common objects, ask unusual questions and so on.

As their population increased within this enclosed space, they started showing aggressive and unusual behaviour, such as biting the tails of other rats.
He also brought into Malayalam writing themes which were considered very unusual at that time – poverty, insanity and life in prisons.
Alloys give steel unusual hardness, toughness, or ability to resist rust.
What do you think about its possible structure? Due to its unique properties and unusual stability, it took several years to assign its structure.
Even with this modification, Kekulé structure of benzene fails to explain unusual stability and preference to substitution reactions than addition reactions, which could later on be explained by resonance.
Thus the absence of pure double bond in benzene accounts for the reluctance of benzene to show addition reactions under normal conditions, thus explaining the unusual behaviour of benzene.
Surely it was nothing unusual for poor vagabonds without any better shelter for the night to be attracted to the forge by the glow of light which escaped through the sooty panes, and to come in to warm themselves in front of the fire.
Watching the street gave her many new unusual experiences.
This is an unusual achievement for any constitution.
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