abhimukh example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of abhimukh 1. मन सही उत्तर की ओर अभिमुख हो जाता है। 2. सभी व्यवसाय कुछ उद्देश्यों को प्राप्त करने के प्रति अभिमुख होते हैं। 3. जाहिर है, उपर्युक्त घटनाओं में जाति बोध से वर्ग बोध की ओर जनचेतना अभिमुख हो रही है। 1. Evolving right related to the militarization of space If there is one area where use of outer space aims have resolutely turned towards the Earth, it is that military activities 2. He then turned towards teaching and is a lecturer (Privat-Dozent) philosophy and economics at the University of Berlin 3. A relatively homogeneous group of gastropods is also provided with a single gill but directed towards the rear: they are the Opisthobranchia 4. As a result, the pressure forces on a body immersed in a fluid is to a resulting force directed towards the top equal and opposite to the weight of the displaced fluid, and in which the support passes through the center of inertia of this fluid 5. It is not possible to design a document that is not directed towards an object

Given are the examples of hindi word abhimukh usage in english sentences. The examples of abhimukh are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., obverse.